Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ugg Boots Achilles Heel? They May Cause Foot Pain

Podiatrists say popular slipper-like boot can be shear agony on the feet.

The wildly popular Australian boots are everywhere these days--even worthy of "how to wear them" videos on Youtube.

Forest Park Medical Center podiatrist Rachel Verville said that's probably a good idea because if not worn properly the super-comfy boots can be a real pain in the feet.

"The main thing is moderation," Dr. Verville said. "If you only wear them for a few hours every day you should be fine but if you wear them for an extended period of time or multiple days on end you can develop pain."

Dr. Verville sees a growing number of young women experiencing foot pain--she asks them all the same question: What shoes are you wearing?

"Often times its UGG's," Dr. Verville added that UGG's and knockoff-boots like them are comfortable but with their slipper-like feel they offer no support. "Basically there is a large tendon that runs down the inside of your foot called the posterior tibial tendon and if you wear non-supportive shoes for a long period of time you can develop posterior tibial tendonitis which is tendonitis of that tendon."

Which is painful enough for people to seek medical help.

Katie Taylor wears high heels at work and then slips out of them and into her UGG's on her way home. She wears them with caution and hasn't had any problems.

"They're warm, my feet get cold a lot so I really wanted to have a warm shoe," Katie said. "But also whenever I'm at work I wear really uncomfortable shoes and I change into my UGG's when I can't take the pain from my other shoes."

Dr. Verville also owns a pair of UGG's and says many women wear theirs without socks which can turn the sheepskin lined boots into bacteria traps.

"I suggest one should wear socks," Dr. Verville said. "Just a thin layer of sock inside the boots because if you sweat, moisture develops and athlete's foot and that kind of thing can develop."

So with UGG's and other sensible shoes like them--use a little common sense.

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