Saturday, February 5, 2011

Motivating a Teen With Type 1 Diabetes

Q: My 16-year-old son is having difficulty staying motivated to consistently take care of his diabetic needs like checking his blood sugar often and keeping a log book. His doctor hospitalized him at the start of school to establish better control — his first hospitalization since diagnosis with type 1 10 years ago. He is active in sports, likes to stay up late, eats only 15 to 30 carbs for breakfast, and is on a regimen of Lantus twice daily and Humalog for meals and highs (injections, no pump.) His last A1c was 10.3. Do you have suggestions for helping him be motivated to care for himself?
— Janelle

That's a tough situation indeed. Many of my colleagues who care for teenaged patients have similar moments of exasperation. As you know so well, the teen years are filled with layers of complexities for kids themselves and their families. There are many issues that become priorities in any teenager's life, among them the challenges presented by their own growth and development. These issues become even more complicated for a teenager with diabetes.

Adolescence is a time of great change, and with physical growth come greater insulin requirements. And with rebellion, experimentation and the need for peer acceptance comes greater non-adherence. In addition, while trying to find and assert their own identity, teens become less reliant on mom and dad. The challenge for parents is equally great and the solutions, unfortunately, are usually time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Your son is doing certain things for which he should be congratulated, including getting involved in sports, carbohydrate counting and injecting his insulin several times a day. These are feats that many of my adult patients do not accomplish. Motivating your son further might require one or more of the following:

1.Understanding his attitude towards frequent glucose checks and his coping and problem-solving skills will help you in identifying specific ways to help him change his behavior.

2.Assessing his knowledge-base about the need to check his sugar levels and his knowledge of glucose and insulin balance during athletic engagements can identify gaps, which can be easily addressed.

3.Understanding his priorities and academic responsibilities and showing empathy to these daily challenges can help you provide a structure that is conducive to checking blood glucose levels and diabetes self-management.

4.Exploring the barriers of checking his sugar level at school, as well as the challenges he might face from his peers about having diabetes, doing frequent glucose checks and injecting insulin, might uncover issues that he finds difficult to discuss. Since you live in a small town, there might not be many other kids living with diabetes. Perhaps your son can connect with other kids with diabetes via the Internet for peer support. A good place to start is the American Diabetes Association.

5.More importantly, understanding your communication pattern with your son and assessing its effectiveness will help you find a happy medium between too much involvement and too little engagement. Empathy is important, but so is leaving him room to make his own decisions. In other words, asking him how he can meet the challenge of good glucose control might also be more effective than telling him to make a specific change in his behavior.

6.When exploring these areas, you should enlist the help of your son's doctor as well as a psychologist or diabetes educator in your area. In addition, if you find that there are barriers at school that prevent your son from checking glucose, you should involve the school and teachers. Some teens like taking leadership roles in teaching others about diabetes, advocating for students with diabetes and organizing groups. This gives them the motivation for also managing their diabetes better. Teachers can be recruited to stage such a forum for your son and perhaps other teens. Other possible venues you might explore include religious organizations, social clubs, and community fitness centers.

Finally, this might be time to consider the insulin pump, which many teens like because it allows them better control. I wish you much luck and hope you will write back with further questions or to tell us how you and your son are doing.

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